
this is a movie that has to do with music. A young boy who loves music leaves his family and ends up in the...

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

This movie is the part 8 of the Star Wars series It is about a new person joining the Jedi order, trained by Luke Skywalker...

Steve Jobs gave Marc Benioff this advice

How Facebook, Google, Twitter intend to fight fake news

Facebook(FB, Tech30), Google (GOOGL, Tech30) and Twitter (TWTR, Tech30)  have committed to using new "trust indicators" to help users better vet the reliability of...

Where Do The Richest Americans Live

Here, take a look at the residences the six richest moguls call home: 1. Bill Gates: (Worth $81 billion) Home: Medina, Washington Mr. Gates, 60, spends most...

Facebook’s Aggressive Moves on Startups Threaten Innovation

In 2010, Foursquare react-text: 249 cofounder Naveen Selvadurai believed that his company, and several other social-media upstarts—Twitter, Tumblr, Path—could carve out successful niches against...

Power Rangers The Movie

This movie is about the power rangers getting their powers and fighting off an evil villain who wants to get their powers and destroy...

Transformers; The Final Knight

This Movie is a sequence to the second movie; In which Optimus Prime has gone to his home planet and he has found the...

I dropped my pride as a lawyer, embraced taxi driving —...

MS.Voke Ejenavi  was very enthusiastic after she qualified as a lawyer. Her passion for knowledge motivated her into applying for her master’s degree almost...