Flash Season 4


Hey everybody as you all know season 4 of flash is coming out soon. So in this season flash is going to come out of the speed force and he will be so depressed that he won’t even want to be the flash because he has watched the most painful moments of his life over and over again.

After flash comes out of the speed force everything does not seem to be the way he left it because he has been in the speed force for 6 months but to him, it has been six years. Now he has slight amnesia so he could not remember his family. Until when a villain called samuroid comes and kidnapped Iris. Everybody found out about it, flash ran after samuroid and saved Iris.

On Barry and Iris’ wedding, rogues from earth x came and tried to kidnap supergirl but they did not succeed. Then the whole gang found out about arrow’s and supergirl’s dople Ganga from earth x. Then the whole team went to earth x and got captured, but they escaped and came back to earth 1. Then there was a calamity between earth 1 super heroes and earth x